About Us
About Us
Epic Experience
Cancer Survivorship is more than follow-up appointments, blood tests, and scans; it's about living life to the fullest beyond cancer. Epic Experience empowers adult cancer survivors to do just that through a combination of adventure, community, and virtual programming.
Epic Experience’s pinnacle program is a free weeklong adventure camp in the Colorado Rockies. Throughout the week, as participants challenge themselves physically, find community with other survivors, and talk through fears and worries, they gain hope and return home with tools and support to help them live and thrive beyond cancer.
In addition to camp, Epic Experience offers one-day regional meet-ups in various US cities, hosts the Campfires of Hope: Living Beyond Cancer podcast, and provides free virtual low-impact exercise classes to the cancer community. Lastly, Epic Experience’s newest venture brings the great outdoors into cancer centers with its innovative virtual reality program, ThriveVR.
Our Mission: Epic Experience empowers adult cancer survivors and thrivers to live beyond cancer.