While going through emails, I found one that contained an incredible correspondence between two campers who attended our very first summer program in 2013. Hollywood and 4G had an instant connection, even though there was a 30-year age difference between them and they had two different cancers: one had neuroendocrine cancer and the other bladder cancer. Both of these epic women have since passed away, but their magical connection holds a lesson for all. Here are the words from one of the campers.
–Mama Lou
Admiration and gratitude to you, the Hero for so many! I have read again and again your latest entries on MY LIFE LINE. Thank you for sharing openly and honestly your feelings, mentally and physically with so many. We often hide from others our fears, our tears, our emotions. You graciously and courageously share it ALL! What an insight you give to others, letting them know they are not alone with their feelings. It takes great introspection, insight and reflection to express your feelings with such meaningful words that everyone can relate to, not just cancer survivors, but all people. Thank you for this blessing. Thank you for sharing. It takes great courage and reflection for these expressions.
So many of us are chasing ourselves, our dreams, accomplishments, money and material things. We take for granted the luxury of health, wealth and well being. We are afraid to speak or hear of our vulnerabilities to disease, pain, suffering and death. Yet you have the ability to share your experiences with these things in a meaningful and sincere manner. This is a gift that you bring to the world. There are not enough awards or words that can express how much you have influenced the deep thoughts of many…..all with a smile, a spirit of love and understanding.
You did nothing to deserve this suffering, this disease. It is a great tragedy. I wish I could trade places with you, but I know I would not have the grace, the faith, the inspiration that you do. You are truly awesome, amazing and one of a kind. You do your best to lift the spirits of others, while struggling to do the same for yourself. All in the midst of ordinary problems, like health insurance, raising a magnificent child, sharing yourself with your husband and others, looking after your dad and step mom. Somehow you manage to get up each day with renewed hope and love, new spirituality. What a gift to humanity you are. You are a legend. We love you.