Just as Edie “Blaze” Harrison was feeling as fit and healthy as ever, she tested positive on her Cologuard at-home colorectal cancer screening. In March of 2021, she was diagnosed with rectal cancer. Blaze went through chemo, radiation, and surgery before she was declared NED in January 2022.
Despite a clean bill of health and a positive outlook on life, she was still new to the process of being a survivor. After finding Epic Experience via a Google search, she attended a regional meetup in Pennsylvania. A year later, she attended Epic’s weeklong winter camp in the Rocky Mountains. It was there that she truly found community, understanding, and validation among other cancer survivors. She also rediscovered her physical strength, after being unsure if she could keep up with the demands of camp activities like snowshoeing.
Asked what advice she would give to others, Blaze emphatically says, “Get your scopes, people! Screens are a bother but not as bad as going through cancer treatment. Catch it early!”