When considering charitable contributions, did you know that giving of appreciated assets may be your more tax advantaged strategy? By donating appreciated stock, real estate, or real assets to charity may avoid capital gains taxes and address your philanthropic desires.
The stock market continues to advance to all-time highs, real estate is holding its value with strong employment nationally and low interest rates. This may be a great time to capture gains in your investments and support your philanthropic giving.
If you moved by your desires of philanthropy, consider giving of your appreciated assets to support your charity of choice, mitigate taxes, and support sustainable planning in your community. By donating appreciated stock, real estate, or real assets to charity may avoid capital gains taxes and address your philanthropic desires.
To learn more, please reach out to Nancy or Colin Ferro at Epic Experience; info@epicexperience.org about the various ways you can give to charities during the holiday season and year-around!
Epic Experience, a Colorado non-profit organization, was founded on this very principle by Nancy and Mark Ferro, in honor and consideration of their son, Michael. Through their love and passion for their son, they designed an organization to support life changing outdoor living experiences for individuals battling or in remission of cancer.
All of our families are now touched by cancer these days. It is a nasty disease that hits us in a variety of different ways, strains, types, and times yet all of it is detrimental to the individual and family. My brother, Bob Morris, was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of 18, in remission for nearly five years, and he lost his battle after a bone marrow transfusion in February, 1987.
Bob was five years older than me and passed away at the young age of 23. He accomplished a lot and had wonderful experiences in his short life through boy scouts, was a great athlete, great student, and pastor in his church. A profound experience for Bob was his six week travel to London for a mission.
This experience was an ‘Epic Experience’ for him! He was able to overcome health challenges, financial, and spiritual to achieve a tremendous journey, not for himself, yet to give of his love of God to others
Over the years, his example has helped to guide me in my work in the community and for my family, respecting that our life is precious. Epic Experience is sharing similar opportunities with cancer patients and survivors from across the country to support realization that aside their physical and emotional challenges, they can live a dream of enlightenment through outdoor experiences.
I support Epic Experience by being a financial advisor and advance planning specialist for their community. We support a donor’s desire to give financially with strategies to leverage their donation by addressing, tax considerations, time frame, and leverage of their assets.
Epic Experience is a stable organization going into its eighth year of service. We are looking towards sustainability of the organization now more so than working to meet annual operating budgets. Both are important yet being strategic towards the future is critical to making a difference.
If you are philanthropic, been touched by cancer in some way, and want to support life changing experiences for those that have been affected by cancer, please consider learning more about Epic Experience. The Ferro Family is responsible for making an impact in their community by Giving First and Giving Often. I look forward to seeing you at a future event to honor your family.
Dan Morris
Post Updated 17 December 2019